Detail of Vision of Saint Francis of Assisi, Jusepe de Ribera, 1638

giovedì 1 gennaio 2015

Uejima Onitsura/Hasegawa Tōhaku

長谷川 等伯 - Pine Trees in Moonlight  / left hand screen (XVI sec.)
Pair of six-panel screens; ink and gold wash on paper - 156.8 × 356 cm - Tokyo National Museum

mukashi fukinishi
matsu no kaze

Primo giorno dell'anno
un vento di mille anni fa
soffia tra i pini

: :  上嶋鬼貫  : :

長谷川 等伯 - Pine Trees in Moonlight  / right hand screen (XVI sec.)
Pair of six-panel screens; ink and gold wash on paper - 156.8 × 356 cm - Tokyo National Museum

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