M.C. Goodwin - Death Quit

martedì 14 giugno 2016

добро утро! (Dobro utro!)

(lingua Macedone, lingua slava meridionale parlata nella Repubblica di Macedonia, nonché nella diaspora macedone in Canada, Australia, Stati Uniti ecc.)

"Ho una marcia in più; ma non entra."


. . . 

8 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Добро утро (Dobro utro) is actually Bulgarian, as is the
language of this post-Yugoslavian estate known as "Vardarska",
until Tito named it "macedonia"... Its official name is FYROM,
therefore, please respect the international nomenclature!
FYG: Macedonia is a Greek region many a millennia now...

Anonimo ha detto...

sorry. this is my source: http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/goodmorning.htm
Please can you tell me the correct definition so that it can replace. thank you.

Anonimo ha detto...

I entered the source given and yes, they state this "macedonian" language...
Apart the fact that "macedonian" language is actually Bulgarian, my objection was into the naming of this estate: Its official name is FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and by this name attends all international fora/organizations...
Thank you for the attention! :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

The latest visitors from Macedonia dates back to April.
Where are you writing from ?

v3l3nomortale ha detto...

qui un approfondimento sul tema: http://www.infomedi.it/macedonia.htm

v3l3nomortale ha detto...

Lingua macedone: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingua_macedone

Anonimo ha detto...

I am writing from Greece (of course)... lol!
We all sympathize the one that claims to be weak towards a "stronger" neighbor...
But what if this neighbor comes everyday and says that a room of your house aint yours?
And its proven that the said room is yours, some 3000 years, but the neighbor says no, its his, because someone said so, 70 years ago...
That is the -so called- macedonian claim! People with no history, want to steal yours, to feel they belong somewhere... Imagine Croats, or Slovenians to come to you and say that Trieste, or Milano are not Italian, but theirs... How would you react?
Anyway, Grazie per l attenzione. Cup3tint3 is a dear and beloved site by this chatter!

Anonimo ha detto...

Well, all clear. thank you, ciao