Detail of Vision of Saint Francis of Assisi, Jusepe de Ribera, 1638

domenica 13 aprile 2014

Tā moko

Biglietto da visita usato per intrattenere gli occidentali di giovane donna Maori 
con sul mento un Tā moko 
(ca. 1872-1886)
I Tā moko si ottengono scolpendo la pelle con gli uhi piuttosto che forandola. 
Questo pratica lascia la pelle con delle scanalature, piuttosto che una superficie liscia.

Il Captain James Cook scrisse nel 1769:

The marks in general are spirals drawn with great nicety and even elegance. One side corresponds with the other. The marks on the body resemble foliage in old chased ornaments, convolutions of filigree work, but in these they have such a luxury of forms that of a hundred which at first appeared exactly the same no two were formed alike on close examination.

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